Using email analytics to learn about your own business is a great way to not only learn a lot, but also to put into action strategies to make your business even better. When you can determine why things are happening, you can stop it, repeat it, or improve upon it. Here are eight things that email analytics can tell you.
1. Who Reads the Emails – If you check to see who opens your emails and even move the people who most open them to their own segment, you can improve conversions exponentially. Conversely, you can move those who don’t open as much to another list where you can test different methods.
2. What Information Your Subscribers Like – By noticing what they read and engage with, you’ll know what they like more. That way you can do more of what they like, which will improve conversions.
3. What Technology Your Audience Uses – You can find out what technology they use to read your website and interact with you. If a lot of your audience is using mobile, you can then know that marketing on mobile is an imperative for you.
4. What You Can Improve – If you have a sales funnel (and you should), you can use Google Analytics along with your email analytics to learn how to improve your funnels. By improving your sales funnel you can improve your business.
5. What Channels Are Working – Using analytics you can figure out which social media channels are working best to send traffic to your website that you can convert to leads. If, for example, you’re not getting any traffic from a particular channel, you can either work harder on that or drop it to save yourself the work.
6. What Type of Content Is Working – Analytics can tell you whether or not the content you’re publishing is working or not. If you have content that gets a lot of clicks and comments, plus action such as buying or signing up for newsletters, then you should make more of that type of content.
7. How Well Your Branding Is Working – If you’re running branding-focused advertising, messages, or information, you can use analytics to find out if it’s working. If you’re getting more sign-ups and conversions, it is a sign it’s working.
8. How Good You Are at Converting Leads – This is an obvious one because you can not only see how many subscribers you get but using analytics right you can also tell exactly what sent them to you, what they did before they subscribed, and more.
You may think that you know everything about your own business, but you really don’t if you don’t dig deep into your analytics which you’ve also set up correctly. You can boost your business bigger than you thought possible if you use analytics to learn more about it.